Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Alicja Bachleda-Curus is certainly well and truly now putting her 'bikini' body on the map in Hollywood.  The beach photos of the new mother flaunting her post baby body in Mexico however, do appear to be sending out mixed messages if you read the various articles now posted all over the net.  Some seem in awe of her ability to lose her baby weight with such speed, some suggest surgery has taken place, others that a strict diet and exercise plan has been endured, while others believe newborn baby Henry, may have been premature, and so this must be the reason for her getting her figure back so quickly.

Whatever the reason for Alicja successfully managing to regain her figure... for her, for Colin, for work, or from sheer exhaustion... and it is exactly here, that those fabulous beach babe pics start to lose the wow factor.  Reading the 'headlines' and between the lines of all these articles (including mine), there brews a disturbing underlying cause for concern.  As in that uncomfortable feeling of disbelief along with an uncomprehended feeling of awkwardness.  In other words: how can a new mother who gave birth as so many have clearly stated, "JUST" seven weeks ago: want, and warrant what is rapidly becoming seen as a 'romantic' vacation... whether in Mexico, or indeed on the moon?! 

However, having said that, we of course don't actually know if the new parents do have the company of their newly seven week old son, and they are in no way prepared to declare one way, or the other, to us.  Why should they... they haven't felt the need to share him with the world so far?  And I think we could all reasonably understand and respect their wishes for wanting such privacy.  We may not have liked it, surely felt a little put out that they didn't want to involve us, but ultimately, we did 'understand'... but then... 'Hello Mexico'?!  No obvious, or even hinted signs of a baby in transit, and thus immediately giving the 'impression' of being 'just the two of us'.  Just the two of us with our new camera playing I spy with ourselves... just the two of us on the balcony in various states of undress... and now on the beach keeping it clearly discreet and private?!  Yes... evidently the much needed privacy to be left alone to enjoy those first precious months with your new bundle of baby joy has somehow, strangely lost it's credence.

I know Hollywood stars such as Colin Farrell have the right to their own life and one with privacy is and should be allowed too, but, and although 'he' may wish it to be meaningless, but, 'but' is in fact rather significant, for example if you make your living out of being in the public-eye then should you perhaps not also respect the 'right' of your public, or at the very least appear to be seen, or extending some degree of higher moral courtesy to those lessor mere mortals called fans?  You remember, yes those people who actually made it possible for you to be in the position you are, and in a career you once so yearned for and now find yourself...  as well as indeed one your good lady mama is also wishing to share and find a position of her own.  

I am a fan of Colin Farrell the actor, and I will, I suspect remain so for as long as he continues to want to be in front of a camera.  However, as a fan I also bought into the whole 'image persona' that was marketed as 'Colin Farrell', and that he encouraged, wanted, needed and completely courted us with in order to make it as an actor. He made it to Hollywood: we followed.  He had some massive ups, and then some costly downs: we stood by him.  And so now we have newly, reformed Colin: we have remained faithful... but has he?

Yes, we know Colin no longer wants us to regard him as the 'big' Hollywood actor that he once craved, however, he is still an actor is he not?  He still makes films, and if no-one at all went to see those films then what would be the point in him acting any more?  So we continue to stick to him like super glue, much to his ever growing discord it feels like nowadays.  So Colin does not 'need', or 'want' us any more... except of course until his next film premiere.  And his 'private life' he will now guard with balls of steel... except until he, or anyone who is his, needs a little exposure to gets things kick started in order to let the world know you're available for work.

Quite why, Colin has become so 'anti' fan these days is beyond me... he always claimed he was grateful to his fans, jestingly lapped it up, and more importantly genuinely appeared to appreciate the adulation, voiced his humbled acknowledgement at the privileges that came his way through the mega bucks and glittery trappings of fame, and accordingly expressed his thanks for being able to live in such a relatively safe environment, be a financially viable candidate, and enjoy the security of luxury that his career has allowed him.  So why he has now decided to enter into a withdrawal from the very ones who want nothing but good things for him, is as I say, beyond me.

There are a few sayings that comes to mind: Be careful what you wish for... it may come true.  Along with 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you' and finally... 'I don't recognise you, I've changed a lot'!


  1. Its really very strange, withe the "Baby".

  2. Gemini, are you drunk???

  3. No honey, not drunk, promise! :D I'm just getting very peeved by whole cloak and dagger game Colin seems to be playing these days. Remember, we can still be a fan of somone, and be annoyed by them, and right at this moment I guess I'm annoyed x(

  4. Yes, gemini, colin is playing a weird game. doesn't want attention - Now wants attention - now leave me alone - Now look at me!
    This is so crazy. They hide the birth of their son,pretending they want privacy, then he shows off with janet to get press??? , then makes this splash in mexico to get more press for alicja's sake. She probably demanded it from him? He looks so not into her. Like the way he treated Kim on their hawaii? trip.
    Maybe they are doing it for Ondine's sake? Or to get a people's magazine million dollars offer for henry's first pics?
    I know the tiring blah blah blah that he is an actor and we should only care for his acting, but hollywood world is not like that - Colin is a celebrity, and uses it openly whenever he needs to. So , his fans have the right of being disapointed by his actions and say so.

  5. Ohhh, come on Gemini!If you are Gemini you have to ''understand'' all this.I'm Gemini too!I mean, we love to play, to confuse people,to act...He is doing the same.With us ,with his girl,with many other womens,even with himself.

  6. Gemini,i couldn't agree more!!
    I feel the exact same way.
    That's why on another thread i've said he was behaving like a grumpy old diva these days...

  7. Everyday Anonymous FollowerDecember 1, 2009 at 1:51 PM

    Amen Gemini
    Now he is using us as a crush probably to show his quotation to somebody important in show buisness. That all eyes are looking at him and her ofcourse. I started to think that this person from "Trade" make up or somethig was right telling us about her. And now she gots big influence on him. I wrote one time "welcome the new CF and ordinary man" but he is not, they both are extremly hungry for fame, but only one of them is not known well...

  8. 1:51 Agree with you!!!

  9. Agree agree.

    You resume perfectly my feelings !

    Thanks for you view

  10. The baby is puzzle :-(
    I hope it exist

  11. Gemini, very well said and well thought out. I agree with a lot, and yet I always find myself vacillating between the celeb's point of view and the fan's. It's true, without us buying tickets, he like any other film star, would not be one. Though, that's debatable because many more people go to see his movies than just HIS fans. People go for many reasons, so we his loyal fans are not solely responsible for his paycheck. I think both of these dichotomous personas of his are real (to some extent). Ultimately we don't know what is real because it IS a "public image" - a public "mask." And that exists for all those in the public eye. But I do believe to an extent that the old playful fun CF was real. I also believe the new, sober, somber, private CF is real. He has the right to change, evolve, devolve (however one sees it). And let's not forget, it is "the fans" that are partially responsible for that new persona. He said it himself last year in Rome - when he talked about certain members of the press and the PUBLIC being brutal, not only to him, but moreover, to the people in his life. This is partly WHY, as I said to you yesterday Gemini, that this free-for-all of limitless ABC bashing is not helpful. To anyone. And it's not because I'm a huge ABC fan or from Poland. I'm neither. I know nothing about her or her movies. It's because all it's succeeding in doing is putting a further chasm between CF and the fans that supposedly love him. You don't think his reps read what's said about him on the internet and take the pulse of the fans? I do. Having said all that, yes, this new antisocial thing he's got going on irritates me too. When I see footage of him being anything less than fully gracious toward a fan (not toward paparazzi - that's different - but toward a fan), or a photo of him looking annoyed posing for a photograph with a fan, that saddens me. I think the bottom line here, for me anyway, is maybe we need to stop making these people so important to us to begin with. They're just people, like us mere mortals, only separated by wealth, power and prominence. Caring THIS much about the life and career of ANY celeb kind of makes me feel like maybe *I* need to get a life... focus on my own. These celebs are all people we will never know and they are in no way in our lives or even aware we exist, so why do we care. We shouldn't (I'm mostly telling this to myself). At the end of the day, I do believe that CF is truly grateful (to whom I don't know, but grateful) for the position he is in. He seems to be, based on the things he says AND his actions, very aware of how fortunate he is. However, were I to ever see him in person, like Luna did, or on the street or whatever, I don't think I would ask for an autograph or photo or bother trying to talk to him. I'd be too afraid of catching him in a bad mood and I'd rather have no experience than that.

  12. 7:12 I agree with everything you said, plus I really think that (as you said) this ABC bashing thing is not helping at all, I think it might be one of this things he hates the most and which make him to stay away from public eye, and I'm not talking here only or especially about Alicja but about all his family members and ex or future lovers. If by any chance he loves this girl he must be really pissed at his so called fans for saying certain things, I would.

  13. A# Dec 1, 7:12 PM
    Thank you for your indepth response, I agree that it is not so healthy for us, the 'fans' to be quite as scathing as some of us appear to be, regarding whomever his current girlfriend is at any given time. And clearly by being so, we are not entirely helping our own situation, and so thereby have now found ourselves well and truly outed in the circle of Colin trust!:-L

    However, it is also perhaps down to the way Colin has been performing by public appearance recently, that has led to this rocky equilibrium. Where did the need to adopt such an air of superior distance, and mardy diva-like behaviour stem from, and why? The fans have never hounded him in a vile manner, enthusiastically maybe, but always with good and well meaning intent :X

    In the past Colin has always shown himself to be unashamedly open, happy to be friendly, and poetically giving, and 'we' in return were gushing with our favourable opinions of him, defenders of his obvious flaws, and more inclined of our respective comments where upon the man they call Colin was concerned.

    I know we're not the only ones to go and see his films... but let's face it, we probably make up the vast majority who actually do bother these days :p

    I think in short we maybe all feel a little let down by Colin's new grown up, and somewhat sombre persona and would like to see a little more of the old quick witted, and approachable Colin back, minus the drugs and alcohol of course?!;-*

    And I too like you... would be very wary of asking Colin Farrell the actor for his autograph these days... now I wonder how many of us would have ever thought that a few years ago. I know I wouldn't have, I'd have positively begged him, but in a really nice way! :D

  14. he's nervouse type so it's better to stay away especially if I met him with Alicja or baby

  15. Gem it's 7:12 again. I agree with everything you just wrote. And the very choice words "rocky equilibrium" sum it up. What are we to do though? I guess just be unhappy about it, or get over it make it less important to us. It's strange, isn't it? How we take it personally. Even though it's not personal, because he doesn't know us individually. And you are right, certain things we would not have thought about a few years ago - mainly that he is now unapproachable. Watching the footage of him going into the U2 concert was especially disappointing. Though it would be unfair not to view it from HIS point of view - that being having just become a father again and having trash said all over the internet about the situation... all the same, I found myself disappointed to see all the other stars at least stop to sign or say hello to the fans that were standing there (even if they seemed "put out" by it), while CF practically ran past them as they called his name, not even flinching. And I don't mean the razzi calling his name. I mean the fans :( On a side note, I've seen Bono in person and HE was TOTALLY unapproachable. At least that was mine and my friends' experience that day.

  16. I almost re-posted all that because it didn't go through and now it just posted as I was retyping it. :-/

    I also just think it might get better if people all over the net weren't constantly tearing to shreds the people in his life. They did it with EF. They did it with MM. Maybe he's just had enough, you know?

  17. In an interview at Rome Festival in 2008 Colin said that being a famous actor means that very often his girlfriends or family are attacked by some public or press "very meanly and brutally". He was very unhappy about it. He definitely does not deserve it. Think about it.

  18. A# Dec 1, 10:00 PM
    I know where you're coming from and what you're saying and in retrospect... we are both right, if indeed there is a right, or wrong within this exchange of views?! :)

    I agree that Colin may well have gotten to the point of no return with his so called 'fans', but... sorry, there it is again: but; I think we are all, to blame in this game. As in 'us' and 'him'... in some global Hollywood A list way. He's been so, trying and claiming, not to be Hollywood it is almost crying out for the big block-buster screen casting couch... it's almost sad to endure yet understand, given the amount of hype so favoured against in this direction during the fragile past... I guess the past is the past, and now is now, eh?!

    Yes the 'fans' are to blame too, for having been too personal with their comments, and yes, Colin I believe is also to blame, for being so utterly deliberate in his actions to discard any form of fan following acknowledgement... Period!

    Personally, I don't know what the answer is... like you. However, I do suspect all this new way of handling the PR is quickly becoming his own worst enemy both within his own 'following', and clearly those who couldn't give a toss (and there are many!). So this can only prove a bad move for Colin in the long run... right?

    I agree, we shouldn't rip into his personal life in the way... some people, so, enjoy to do so, and I hope I'm not included in that, despite doing this blog. I do have the odd laugh at his expense, but always within the realms of jest I hope... apart from this I guess, my post of what I consider 'concern'.

    Really all I want is for Colin Farrell to be what he proclaimed to be. An actor, who enjoys, and wants to give a good performance within his work. And off set... a man who is not so caught up in the heady heights of his fame, and own self importance that he's allowed it go to his head... or should that be up his own arse! ;;)

    Sorry, if I sound bitter: I'm not so... really: Just gravely becoming more and more disillusioned by someone I believed was real to the point of being as real as Hollywood gets. But then again is that really possible... Mr. Farrell has become Mr. Hollywood: as if he wasn't already! :)

  19. Having such experiences with the people ready to destroy his relationships he is acting very protective to Alicja and I think he will defend her. He probably feels wounded by all those brutal attacks against her made by his "fans". Everyone in his situation would feel wounded and angry.

  20. Gemni, when did you grow a pair? Did it hurt?

    Needless to say I agree completely. No one can have their cake and eat it to and that includes celebrities. Maybe that's not ideal but every occupation has its drawbacks and it is after all an occupational choice. You have to take the good with the bad. With the opulent lifestyle comes "sacrifices", your privacy being one of them. He choose to be an actor and hoped for success. No fair complaining now! If he doesn't like the attention, all he has to do is get another job. In a few years he would be just a memory. There are always younger, would-be stars that would kill to take his place.

    Again maybe it's not fair but that's just how it is. I think its safe to say that EVERYONE knows that this could potentially be a downside.

    When people buy a ticket they in a way are investing in that actor so its only natural for them to feel they have a stake in him on a personally level. This isn't just a Colin Farrell thing. I have a friend who will never see another Mel Gibson movie because of his behavior in his personal life and you should hear the mean things his fans say about his girlfriend. I personally will never watch a Roman Polanski movie and I'm not alone.

    In conclusion, fame isn't something that happened to Colin! He wasn't walking along, minding his own business and got fame on the bottom of his shoe. This is what he wanted and like all of us he has to deal with the consequences of his actions.

  21. Yes they did hurt... but only a little b-( lol Thank you for your input, agree also with a lot of what you said. So. tell me again, why are we still here debating the actor known as Colin Farrell?! x

  22. Disillusioned is a great way to put it. I think people who are able to handle that level of fame, and I mean whether they handle it gracefully or poorly, have something in them others don't. I know I could never handle it. I wonder if CF really can. Like, I wonder if his old fun playful rowdy "self" was his way of handling it back then. And now this is his new way of handling it. Honestly, the old him, though more enjoyable in certain regards, seemed less genuine to me.

  23. @11:31
    "He wasn't walking along, minding his own business and got fame on the bottom of his shoe."

    LOL Excellent point!

  24. A# Dec 1, 11:44 PM
    Ah... well being 'genuine' is something else entirely... if this is Colin Farrell, for 'real'... then maybe we'll all have to go away and rethink our initial thrusted into our faces attraction ;)

  25. Dare I suggest your view of the importance of an actor's "fans" is not realistic? Seriously, the vast majority of people go to the movies for the movies. A particular actor or actress may generate more interest which is why some of them make 20 million or more but generally speaking your average Joe and Josephine go to see the movie, and wouldn't go or not go because of one performer. There are many, many more movie goers who are not fans of any particular actor than there are fans this much into any one actor. Those people make Hollywood its money. And those are the people that matter to the business. Look at this - between this blog, CFF and IMDB there are maybe 20 - let's say 100 - CF fans who are into him enough to read blogs and comment on his every move. 100 people paying $15 to see Colin in a movie is not going to make or break the movie. His responsibility as an actor is to do the best work he can in the movies he makes so the general public will enjoy going to see the movies. He wouldn't be hurt in the least if the more obsessed of us stopped going. If he's in a good movie and it's marketed well, enough people will go and he'll have the next opportunity based on his performance not on whether you, we and me think he's worthy. If all of his "fans" put together a petition saying we've decided we hate him and we won't go see his movies ever again, do you think that would keep him from working. It won't. In fact, he may be relieved to be rid of this kind of obsession. Like someone else said, I'll never go see anything involving Roman Polanski but that's not enough to hurt him. There are millions of others who will go. All I'm saying is it makes more sense for his fans to enjoy his work and pictures of him without his shirt and leave it at that. We really don't matter in the grand scheme of Colin's life at all. Being angry and frustrated with his life choices only upsets us, not him and not whatever woman he's with at the moment unless she's lame enough to come to places like this and read what's said about her - I'm looking at you Emma. Best to enjoy Colin for his work and his great big gifts of personality and eye candy. Sorry, but he won't miss you if you go away.

  26. I used to like him a lot,i was a huge fan but not anymore.
    He's changed and some changes were good but a lot of them were bad.
    He used to be funny,open,honest,sweet and approchable but not anymore.
    He clearly forgot where he came from and who it were that brought him to where he is today.
    Thanks to us (his fans) he's living in his 5 million Dollar Hollywood Hills home,thanks to us he can afford to live the life he's living.
    I liked him when he was very unHollywood but nowadays it seems like Hollywood really has him in it's power.
    He's behaving like a true diva...

    'Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.'
    *Jimmy Durante*

  27. 4:37,
    'Sorry, but he won't miss you if you go away.'


    'Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.'
    *Jimmy Durante*

    Oh,i think he will miss us.
    As for Jimmy Durante,Colin allready is on his way down.
    The sales figures of his last few movies speak for themselves...

  28. We'll see. You're still here. You'll be here tomorrow no matter what he does or doesn't do.

  29. I dare you. Stop following Colin all over the internet. Stop commenting here and whereever else you "support" Colin. See if it matters. Give it a month or two, if you can. See for yourselves how much it matters. I double dare you.

  30. 5:58,

    I don't see why i should.
    I'm not following CF all over the internet,this is the only blog i read because it has all the info there is.
    Besides,i've got more things to do than obsessively follow CF's every move on the internet.
    I was only talking about the sales figures of his last few movies because they are not that great...

  31. The sales of his last few movies (whatever that means) is not his responsibility. What movies? He's an actor! It's not his job to sell the movies.

  32. I guess 6:09 is trying to say that if people loose interest in an actor/actress,they'll no longer see/buy their movies and therefor sales figures drop?

  33. 6:40,

    That's exactly what i was trying to say,thank you!!
    When you can't make 'Hollywood' any money,they will no longer be interested in you.
    He used to be Hollywood's leading man.
    They even compared him with Brad Pitt and yet he hasn't been in any blockbuster for almost two years.
    All of his new movies are either too artistic to be mainstream or are just plain cr*p.

  34. 6:20am you're right. The box office receipts have nothing to do with his performance. People are comparing his lower budget independents to his former huge studio flicks which had the money to market them. I for one, prefer his turn toward independent films. They're much better films. Personally I could not care less if I never see him in another Miami Vice type blockbuster. He's way to talented an actor for that Hollywood studio blockbuster crap.

    Ok, that was a tangent. Anyway....

    Everything you said at 4:37am (if that was you too) is also true. We don't mean shit to him or his career. Surely we don't make or break it. And you are right, many more people go to see the movies he's in than just CF fans alone. Some go for him, some the other actors, some the director, whatever. I would challenge you however, that there are only 20-100 of us devoted fans lol. There may be only 20-100 that post regularly on the sites dedicated to him, but I'm sure there are many more devoted fans out there that don't.

    I guess maybe the point is, we wish we mattered. He has every reason to despise the so-called "fans" that write vile things about him and the women in his life. Every reason. But his "fans" are FAR from the only ones doing that. People have been saying nasty shit about him since day one and still do. MANY people. Not "fans" but random people - your average un-invested "Joe and Josephine" who stumble on an internet article or "news" story and leave a comment. Not to mention the writers of those articles. In a way those remarks are even worse because they come from people who really don't know his movies and haven't bothered to even try seeing that he's a human being beyond the image and the bad-boy rap... "Colin Farrell - he sucks - what a douche."

    And then there are those of us fans who take the time an effort to respond to all of that and to defend him - as Gemini so eloquently pointed out, "gushing with our favourable opinions of him, defenders of his obvious flaws." It would be nice if any of that mattered. It doesn't. Fine. The healthiest thing to do would be to stop being a fan, I think.

  35. Maybe he's trying to teach his fans a lesson? Particularly some of the 'fans' on IMDB...

  36. Don't even go there Atalanta44,you used to be a regular there.
    In fact,i think to this day you and Athena21 are the exact same person...

  37. 4:37 You're totally right. Fans don't matter. And I'm done being one. Thanks for the reality check. I needed it.

  38. Well but all his fans aren't in imdb ;)

  39. 9:40 AM,

    Same here.
    Ungrateful,stuck-up,arrogant piece of sh*t...!!


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sorry - I just realised I broke a board rule in my last post by calling Athena21 something nasty.

    'Don't even go there Atalanta44,you used to be a regular there.
    In fact,i think to this day you and Athena21 are the exact same person...'

    =)) 8-}

    I did used to post on that board, true. However, we had a huge bust-up in around April or May and I have never posted there since. When they attacked Colin, I defended him - until I couldn't take the persecution I was getting there anymore. She does little but attack him. I don't need to provide examples as most of you have probably seen examples yourselves.

    On topic, I think that Colin needs to learn to strike a balance between his right to privacy and maintaining a good relationship with his fans. Probably a better way to handle the situation would be:

    1) As soon as the heartbeat in the foetus is detected and as soon as his partner feels comfortable with it, he should release a quick statement saying 'we are having a baby, mum and baby are well so far, we request that people respect our right to privacy as this is a very private time for us'.
    2) As soon as the baby is born, give a quick statement saying pretty much the same as above but just advise that there will not be any pics allowed of the child because they want to enjoy this time of their lives and their child's life in privacy.

    If he made a quick, succinct statement requesting privacy with a good reason I think most of his fans would respect that. It won't completely stop the vile rumours and innuendo but I think it would help a lot.

  42. I'm personally still a fan of Colin Farrell, because for me he still retains that unexplainable lure of attraction that I like in a leading man on the big screen. However, I'm not such a big fan of the man behind the image so much these days, it's fair to admit he has lost some of his appeal, but having said that... it's still not enough to make me 'walk away' from the product that is Colin Farrell: both the actor, or the person, despite not knowing him personally, and very unlikely too if he ever knew I did this blog!! ;)

    It is very strange though, and many of you are quite right, as in why do we bother to visit blogs such as my own, and bother to make our feelings known, and even those of us who tell others to 'walk away' and yet here they are commenting too, and on a CF Blog?! Can't help thinking there some irony in that somewhere... for all of us! ;))

    I think we are all more than aware that in reality Mr. Farrell gives not a f*** one way or the other... hell why would he; would you, if you were in his position? But then I guess that's what makes everyone human beings... we find something in him that drives us enough to put fingers on keys, whether it be 'attraction', 'curiosity', 'mockery' or 'malice'. Leaving a comment on a blog is a wonderful way of being able to voice your voice for whatever reason without of course ever having to be confronted with the consequence of action... right?

    Colin of course doesn't need such an outlet, he's an actor: he gets paid to play out other people's, as well as his own fantasies :)) But still, that's not to say he's above and beyond the allure of other people, even today. He too feels compelled enough to admire people like; Cat Stevens, or Leonard Cohen. He wanted to see them in concert, and no doubt had a strong urge to meet the person's in question after... the only difference being he's in a position where the chances of being able to so are in his favour.

    Do you see what I'm saying, it's all part of our human nature, and I'm not sure any of us can, should, or would want to stop that: would we?! =))

  43. He likes Leonard Cohen?? I didn't know that. Coool. I don't get the Cat Stevens thing though.

  44. Mr. Famous Blue Raincoat, I too can understand, as for Mr. Cat Stevens... like I said, even the likes of Mr. Farrell are not above and beyond the call of being swayed, or indeed wanting to convince themselves they have the allure of wanting to be seen, in the right place, at the right time ;)

  45. Sorry, either my mind is playing tricks on me, or there will be two comments from myself come through. Meaning: I thought I'd posted a comment, but somehow it didn't come through... so I will basically repeat what I said, but probably in a different word version?!

    I wanted to say: Mr. Cohen, yes I can fully understand. Mr. Stevens, I think was clearly a case of Mr. Farrell, wanting to be somewhere, at a time in present that may never be again... in other words: He was able to be there at the right time, and where-ever that right place was taking place.

    As in, I'd be sincerely interested if Mr. Farrell could give a more likely reason for attending such a concert. For instance, was he a fan of the Cat, beforehand, or merely a fan of the name... and so attending such an evening of this artist's music, was simply a case of it is someone whom is unlikely to perform in this manner again, and so I wish to witness such an experience, or because I'm really such a big fan?!

    Like I said, Colin Farrell is really no different to all of those, we know as 'us'! :))

  46. I can totally understand why Colin is so protective of his privacy with regard to his personal life. He ALWAYS has been - he very rarely gives any real info on his family (other than to say they are very close).To me he is entitled to a private life just as much as you and me. This tabloid obsession with knowing and analysing every detail of a celebrity's life is often OTT and invasive to the point of harassment to me. I also agree that the maybe 50 people who post ridiculous far fetched comments on CF sites such as this and imbd probably alienate the vast majority of CF fans who are quite happy for him live his life how he chooses with whoever he chooses. Do I tihnk he could care less about the ridiculour comments?- I doubt it. I do however in this case feel some concern for Alicja - she is quite young, maybe feeling a little bit vulnerable & hormonal after giving birth. She simply doesn't deserve the abuse she receives. Ï hope she never reads the comments. I think CF is being quite protective of her & baby. He is VERY protective of his family (e.g. Claudine at TFF) Also, from recent reports (Luna in Seville) he still seems friendly & approachable to fans in appropriate settings -i.e premieres where he is "at work".

  47. During a work commitment, I agree he probably is 'more' approachable, but there was a time when not working, he also used to be 'more' approachable. However, nowadays he doesn't even seem to be able to muster a smile?!

    And I would surely believe that Alicja would be "a little bit vulnerable & hormonal after giving birth"... so I'm not sure jetting off to Mexico for the weekend and leaving your frist baby at seven weeks old is particlulary very beneficial for either mother or child... or indeed father for that matter?! :-o

    PS. I don't think there is any fear that she would read any comments, and certainly not a blog ;)

  48. Gemini... help :)

    It was such a nice blog, I came to read it as it was sophisticated, just elegant...

  49. #9:10

    Yes, you're right. I see a lot of changes lately (I mean some followers' comments). And I feel that these changes spoil really nice atmosphere which made this place friendly. :(


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