Wednesday, December 22, 2010



MOST women have fantasised about a date with Colin Farrell, but it's about to become a reality for these lucky ladies.

A handful of Herald readers and Debra Ireland fundraisers are getting dolled up to have an intimate dinner with the Hollywood superstar tonight.

The women won the chance to eat at a romantic restaurant with the actor by raising funds for the charity Debra Ireland, in association with the Herald.

And despite the freezing conditions, Colin (34) has pledged to make it home on time. The actor is battling the elements to keep the date and has even arranged to travel home on a ferry just to meet those affected by the skin condition epidermolysis bullosa (EB) -- known as the "butterfly children". The rare disease causes the skin, as delicate as a butterfly's wings, to break out in blisters at the slightest touch. 

Two people affected by EB, two Debra Ireland mini-marathon runners, two fundraisers and two lucky Herald readers will all sit face to face with the Hollywood hunk at Shanahan's restaurant tonight.

Before that, Colin will meet with families of EB children.

I hope everyone has a lovely time :D

Please click the link below to read the full article


  1. Aw. He's incredibly sweet. And how lucky are those byotches!! Gemini, hope you and everyone else here have a great Christmas and New Year.

    Iz xxx

  2. He's certainly got a big heart :X which is probably why we all love him so much :)

    Merry Christmas Iz... hope it's a good one xxx


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