Friday, October 30, 2009


According to reports Colin Farrell welcomed his second son, Henry Tadeusz Farrell on Oct. 7 in Los Angeles.


  1. Hate the name, but good for them. Wonder if that makes the story about him being spotted in the hospital true. I think it was around that time. There's been so many rumors, it's hard to remember.

  2. Congratulations Colin and Alicja,we the "real" fans are very happy for you Colin!

  3. Congratulations:) Henry is so cute and Tadeusz is after A's brother, cute:)

  4. it looks real where would US site come up with name Tadeusz?! And the date make sense. Congrats:)

  5. Welcome Henry!

    Have some fun. Enter Henry's birthdate - October 7, 2009. I especially like his fortune cookie. Looks like Colin got more than a Golden Globe that week!

  6. Ow. EF was opining on her blog about what gowns she might wear to the Globes, saying she could wear something Selma Hayek might wear, while CF was making a baby with ABC. No wonder he carried his mum to the awards. He had two gfs wanting to go with him - at least two! Bad boy Colin. ;P

  7. You could here a pin drop here it is so quiet ... Baby Henry is announced and ... nothing.

  8. Oh no,don't be fooled!!
    Look at the topic 'Colin&Alicja - Oct 2009 attending U2 concert in LA'
    Start reading at October 30,2009 11:19 PM
    You're in for a big surprise... *LOL*

  9. Oh for fucks sake could we Please keep everything in one place for the lame like me?

  10. Ok, everybody is talking about CF&ABC just jared, celebirty gossip, x17online etc...


    Probably this comment "Lindsay Lohan look-like" made them hacked off and they decided to to do coming out :D

  11. Henry Tadeusz - it's a very interesting choice. Let us remember 'Tadeusz' like Tadeusz Kosciuszko - a hero of two nations Polish and American. Yes, I know for Alicja it's her father and brother's name and now her first child :)
    CONGRATULATIONS to Colin and Alicja
    & all the best for their family!

  12. Congratulations to the two of them!

  13. And her very first movie was "Pan Tadeusz" - a lot of coincidences.

    I wish them all the best!!!

  14. I love the name Henry,I may be biased but my nephews name is Henry, to be honest when my brother announced the name I thought it was a terrible name and very old fashioned but I love it now - it's so cute. Alicja does not look too good at the moment but we should not be hard on her for she has just had a baby after all. She most probably wanted to get out and I don't blame her but she needs to rest.

  15. How is the middle name prounounced? Anyone know?

  16. Like Thadeus w/o the h I think


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