Monday, April 6, 2009


Is Colin now dating his Ondine co-star Alicja Bachleda... well judging from these photos it's fair to assume he is, certainly looks a lot like Colin. So much for giving up women eh!

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  1. I actually highly doubt that they are really dating. The both of them have denied it. Alicja confirmed it was him with her, but all the stories around them seem to point to it not being true. Remember Salma? Paz Vega? I think this one is a looooooong shot.

  2. Additionally, I think it is important to remember that a photograph is a picture of a split second moment in time. and does not necessarily represent the overall feeling accurately.

  3. I know what you're saying, but it does seem a a tad unwise to be so openly seen holding hands in public. Surely they know what attention/speculation such an act would lead too?
    I'll reserve judgement on whether they're an item or not at present, but I have to say I'm leaning towards they are possibly more than just friends, or maybe they're just trying to drum up some publicity for the film... now there's a thought?! ;-) xx

  4. Alicja has now denied that was him! She flat denies that she took him around Krakow! Additionally he has denied it too, so I don't think there is much to this.

  5. My understanding was, that she admitted it was Colin she was photographed with, but they were not an item... but if I'm wrong okay babe xx

  6. It's not your fault, it's that bitch's fault for leading us a merry song and dance! Honestly, does whoever makes this crap up?

  7. Sorry, I meant to complete that sentence by saying 'do they think we are complete saps?

  8. I feel your frustration... and what I don't understand is, if all these actors/actresses don't want stories made up then why court the attention in the first place?!

  9. I know... Do you remember that famous Gretta Garbo quote? 'I want to be alone?' It's like, darling, without this type of attention you would not have a career.


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