Moviemaker Neil Jordan is far from surprised Colin Farrell and Alicja Bachleda-curus, the stars of his new movie Ondine, have become a real-life couple - because their chemistry onset was electric.
Irish actor Farrell plays a fisherman who nets himself a woman he thinks is a mermaid in the fairytale, which will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada later this month, and now reports suggest he's dating his love intere

He tells Entertainment Weekly magazine, "There was a real erotic pull going on there." Recent reports suggest the Polish actress could already be pregnant with Farrell's second child after she was photographed sporting what looked like a baby bump. The Irish actor has been dating Bachleda-Curus since splitting from writer Emma Forrest in February.
For me it just say ' hey come to see the film which was the beginning of the romance'
ReplyDeleteI fed up that we take us for stupid people.
Colin is also executive producer on the film.Which would explain a few things ,like why he has suddenly become so nice to the paparazzi ,when ever he is accidentally on purpose seen out with ABC.
ReplyDeleteIT must be getting a bit crowded on that PR /Publicity bandwagon ,CF,ABC, and now Neil Jordan.I mean what else is the director of a film going to say? That they hate each others guts? I for one won't be buying a ticket .I don't like to be treated like an idiot and i don't like children ,born or other wise being used has publicity for a film .
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I will skip this one. It may not have or get a distributor. ABC could have screwed her career AND still go straight to video.
ReplyDeleteWOW You are far to harsh, and a little bit overreact all that Neil Jordan big publicity stuff don't you think? Plus C is producer of Triage not Ondine.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives?
ReplyDeleteThis relationship is not advertising for the movie!
You're so stupid!
Seriously?! You think that it is advertaising for movie? God, it can be a lot of things but to believe in THAT it's really stupid. Right she get pregnant to promote movie and herself- are you serious?! It's really stupid to think like that.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind people speaking their mind but I'm not happy about people calling other people 'stupid'.
ReplyDeleteNo -one is 'stupid' to think anything... if that's what someone believes then so be it.
C'om guys we don't all have to agree about everything all of the time : - )
Gemini I have to agree with the earlier posts I really think that out of principle I will not be buying a ticket to see Ondine [and I had initially been soooo looking forward to it!] But to be honest this whole thing is sooo obviously an attempt to capitalise on a relationship/pregnancy, real or not. If a movie is worth seeing, a story worth hearing it should not have to rely on the pr spider web catching a few passers by. I am, as an ordinary Joe Soap, really tired of "spin". If the artists involved in this project had any respect or confidence in their craft/ story they would not have to resort to gossiping about who is or isn't in a relationship. Tell us about the MOVIE - we don't care if you slept with eachother whilst/after you were making it!!!! If ABC/DEF is/was sleeping with GHI/ JKL or anybody else I don't give an XYZ. DOES IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE MOVIE??? And to be honest I am disappointed that the artists involved have allowed themselves to be, if they have been, "used" by the paps. Lets be honest ...we all know they've allowed this whole thing to spiral..whether they are together or not...pretty cheap if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you, and the others are saying, and it is difficult to know exactly who is spinning what yarn, and to who or what purpose?!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I was just upset by the fact people were calling other people's comments 'stupid'... I just think we're all better than that : - )
I agree with Gemini about calling names. 8;12 I agree with everything you said. I don't want to think Colin has gotten to a point where he does this but after Neil Jordan's comments it does look like they use the relationship to get interest in the movie. What about the baby? Do you think it isn't true about pregancy? I am tired of spin too.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Gemini but I don't mind being called stupid 'cos I'm pretty cocky as regards my intellectual ability - so no harm done to that part of my big Irish ego :-). I'm still not buying the relationship thing. Reckon there's more of a chance that she's actually a mermaid / that he's really a merman from Atlantis. But just in case I am wrong, [it has been known to happen & I ain't that cocky - that's why I buy rubbers with my pencils ;-)] Just in case it is true i.e.they're in love and/or expecting then c'mon isn't it obvious they've purposely avoided talking about it to try & garner some interest for their movie? Isn't that tacky? Do ya know what? I've just had a revelation. Why not? Why not play the pr machine? Go on the Poles 'n Irish...milk the cow for all you can get ;-) Maybe I'll buy a ticket after all. But be warned Neil: if I buy one [presuming you get a distributor] then I'm expecting to see sparks flyin off the cinema screen....ya can't have it both ways...CF & ABC's "erotic pull" better be cinema magic discernible to the naked eye. I'd better come out of that movie theatre dubious about whether it's appropriate to pop in for a fish supper [in case they've killed Alicja...?x@!?] or I'll be SCATHING in my reviews. [And I am sure Neil, Colin and ABC are quivverrriinnngg in their boots lol [sorry forgot Alicja's got fins not feet -stupid me].
ReplyDeleteTired from all the spinning..why can't they just spend time making class movies instead...let the cinema goers do the spinning..not the pr guys in suits...too much 'business'..too much 'show'...not enough art :-(
ReplyDeleteGood god. Poor Emma. That's all I have to say. Wasn't Emma supposedly dating him while he was filming this "erotic pull"?
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day it doesn't really matter. What happens in their personal lives is personal and we can't speculate cos then we just become a part of the web weaved by whomever. Hope the flick is good. With a stellar director like Neil and a class actor like CF I;m betting it's worth the hype ps comments above were a bit harsh...best of luck at TIFF :-)
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone thinking it is not the true love?
ReplyDeleteWhy do they all think it is PR for the film?
Alicja is so beautiful and it's true love for many months.
Shame on the hater!
Colin is talented,genuine and extremely hot-far too good for Alicja,sorry to all Polish ABC fans but you can not blame us- she has n't exactly created a good,first impression. Who knows what to believe? Only time will tell.
ReplyDeleteTime will say ...
ReplyDeleteExactly- Colin is the best (why I'm paying attention) and she is at best disappointing. She's not ugly but without makeup she probably looks like Jay Leno in a blonde wig.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the relationship is advertising for the movie. Not at this point anyway. I could see having them "spotted together" as a PR stunt, but not a pregnancy. But I DO think "they" - all involved with the movie - are taking advantage of the situation for publicity. Let's face it. Most Americans didn't know who the heck she was until she showed up in that airport with him and pointing at her belly. Why do we even care? If the movie is good, then great. If not, whatever.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Alicja got what she wanted in the end - ATTENTION. Her face just says it all in those recent airport photos.
ReplyDeleteI think she just lacks maturity after all a real woman would not get pregnant to trap a man and they certainly would not do it to gain publicity.I really do feel for Emma Forest here. Neil Jordans comments are a bit insensitive to the fact that Emma was in a relationship with Colin Farrell at this time. I just read through her mixtape and was very impressed.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same as you about Emma. I'm not sure I believe Neil Jordan said anything about Colin's personal relationship but I felt sorry for her when I heard it. she was seeing him during the filming. There was a few pics of them in Ireland at the time near the movie location. Is mixtape the blog she has?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if this Jordan comment is real I can't imagine him saying anything like that he's not a very talkative person. And yes it's not very nice for EF to listen this comments even if it's not true we don't know when did they broke up and stuff but at the biggining of filming Ondine they were still a couple.
ReplyDeleteColin was never serious about Emma. They didn't have an exclusive relationship. She invited herself to Ireland when he was shooting that movie.
ReplyDeleteI wish CF the best with his life. He has an amazing career and he's freakin hot!
they say recently that colin never ready to settle down, even if woman has child.i belive because colin never wants to settle down with anyone.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Colin is definitely not the settle down kinda guy LOL. I wonder about the baby, if it's his then I would have thought that maybe Alicja's mother and brother would have said that it's his considering they're the only ones who talked to the media.
ReplyDeleteYou never know, 10 years ego everyone said exactly same things about Johnny Deep and what? He've met Vanessa they have their first kid very early to and they are happy for 10 years now. So maybe CF is not settle down kind of guy or maybe he is he just need some more time. How do you know that he was never serious about EF?
ReplyDeleteIt's not like her mother and brother talked to press one tabloid in Poland wrote that : " Alicja's mother confirm " " According to Alicja's brother".... so maybe they did maybe they didn't just like, this recent Neil Jordan comment. We don't know where the truth is ;)
ReplyDeleteI am sceptical on why Neil Jordan has felt the need to make this comment especially when Ondine has not got a distributor yet. It is just a thought but Ondine never appealed to me (with or without CF and ABC's romance) and maybe other people feel the same. I have been hit hard by the recession so I can not afford to go to the cinema as much as I used to,if at all. One film I will be spending my hard earned pennies on is Triage. Maybe for many directors and actors at the moment, it may be the case of desperate times,desperate measures! but who is to say that Neil Jordan even made this comment. I hope he didn't just for Emma's sake - I like her, I feel she is very much in touch with how people feel and she's funny.I wish Alicja had done things differently, Colin is well and truly trapped now and it's scary how quickly he falls in and out of love.Oh well at least we have Triage to look forward to!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to every movie Colin has worked on lately. He's played many different and intersting characters. I love that he's choosing good roles and not going after lousy blockbusters. He's smart doing this I think. It will only gain him more respect. As for the festival I bet Alicja won't be there at all. They don't need her. Colin is the one everyone will be interested in and having her there very pregnant after a few months relationship will take away from the focus on the film.
ReplyDeleteI do think 'Ondine' has been overshadowed by the whole Colin & Alicja romance, and I just hope it's a good film for Colin's sake!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 8:02 may be right that( despite love& drama;P) Alicja's presence at festival beeing pregnanat may not be very god PR BUT especially for Colin, she's an actress she's a leading lady in Ondine she should be there for her own sake, she has every right to be there, so probably she won't be at Triage premiere (even if they're really in love and everything is great) but she should be at Ondine premiere.It doeasn't metter if I like her or not she probably worked hard making that movie and she deserves beeing there. I think that "Ondine" is so small movie that only us- fans and industry knows about it so this romance can help in promotion or can really trash it. But I think it's like "In Bruges" very little people saw it and what? great movie.
ReplyDeletei can't wait to see all his movies! ondine seems intresting and triage seems very amazing and emotional. i think his performance in that little clip was amqazing! he's good and i hope he keeps chosing great movies like triage. i loved in bruges!
ReplyDeleteI agree A should be at Ondine premiere it's her movie to but it's possible that (if she's pregnanat) she's not gonna be able to go to Toronto because flying and beeing pregnanat it's not always good idea.
ReplyDeleteI think you can fly up to 32 weeks, so she might be o.k. I personally would not risk it, it depends how far gone she is. Mind you if she does fly at the later stages,this would not surprise me!Hopefully for the baby's sake and her own health's sake she won't.
ReplyDeleteIn response to annoymous 1:38 I am sorry but I really feel you can not put 'In Bruges' and 'Ondine' in the same league. 'In Bruges' is ingenious. The moment I heard about 'In Bruges' I wanted to watch it. I don't know why but 'Ondine' just looks bland and not very original(another'Splash')but hopefully for Colins Sake I will be proven wrong. Sorry to all ABC fans but I will be giving this one a miss!
ReplyDeleteI don't want to compare this two movies. Despite Colin Farrell in the cast I'm curious about that one becausue of the director I just love Neil Jordan work and his sensibility so I'm just not expecting to see "spalsh" sequel, and I have trust that there was a reason why he cast Alicja Bachleda in this movie, surely not only for nice face.That's all.
ReplyDeleteABC won't be there. I am almost 100% sure of that. The filmmakers have to pay for these actors to do this promo stuff and she isn't worth the cost of her ticket to Toronto or the 5 star room. No one knows who she is out side of Poland. It will be Neil and Colin promoting Odine.
ReplyDeleteoh dear in response to anonymous 5:50, I hope I have not offended anybody. We are all entitled to our own personal opinion. This is a blog for Colin farrell fans after all and not Neil Jordan. I think many have been touched and inspired by CF's interview with Gay Bryne recently as well as having admiration for Colin's talent. He's so humble, he does not even know how talented he is. I'm just not a fan of Alicja Bachleda. That's all.
ReplyDeleteI think she should be there for "Ondine" premiere, it doesn't metter that she's unknown- there's a way to make her known, not only her byt every other actor/actress I must say that I'm not a big fun of her either but she deserves to be there. Despite her relationship with CF if she will be able to come she should. well I guess we will see soon :)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 10:10 I'm ok :) I know it's CF blog - that's why I am here I like the guy but I also like NJ so I'm double happy now:) where it comes to Alice I have no opinion about her acting I;m waiting to see ondine but I think that ( if she can ) she should be there, it's her movie to.
ReplyDeleteYes Alicja and her baby bump should definitely make an appearance. They have after all played a major part in creating awareness for the film 'Ondine'. We were not even discussing Ondine in such great detail until Alicja was seen dating Colin and nobody knew who ABC was- funny that! Consciously or sub-consciously, people can not help but feel that there is some hidden agenda here. I know Colin is no angel but I hate it when anybody is taken advantaged of or manipulated emotionally.But then maybe Colin knows exactly what he is getting himself into. Why couldn't Alicja have used her talent to get recognised? I find it hard to believe this pregnancy is an accident for less intelligent people are capable of using birth control. Maybe it was planned by the both of them, that is scary when they have only known each other five minutes! Rather them than me. Just keep that electric chemistry away from me! Mind you if its Colin Farrell I wouldn't say no, except I would have the sense not to get pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Alicja is pregnant. Call me stupid. I think it could be the dress and there have been no other pictures even though she is in Los Angeles. She has said herself she is ambitious and wants a Hollywood movie career. Right? A movie directed by Neil Jordan and starring Colin Farrell would be a dream come true for an ambitious actress. To be pregnant during the only time when a good deal of attention (outside Poland) is on the movie and her doesn't give her the chance to present herself as a movie star. A young unmarried actress would want to go to the festival and look gorgeous and sexy not pregnant. Right? It doesn't make sense to me. I hope if it is true they are in love, full of joy and looking forward to being parents together but I don't think so. I can see this accident happening to bad boy Colin but not to Alicja. To me it doesn't make any sense at all.
ReplyDeletethere is a point in what you're saying Anonymous 8:55 but if she is not pregnanat this whole thing ( I'm not saying that relationship) but pregnant rumors is manipulation, and I really wouldn't like that, of course I know that using facts from private live for PR is common and I get it but, facts not gossip so if she's not pregnant her, or his or whatever rep shoul have said something long time ego.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they just like to keep the public, guessing. There is something strange going on and there have not been any recent photos of Colin recently. I hope he is o.k.
ReplyDeleteNothing strange is happening he just keeps low profile that's all.
ReplyDeleteTo 11:16 I don't think it's strange at all for Colin to have ignored the rumors. He usually doesn't comment on his private life and after being "pregnant" with EF and MM and now Alicja maybe he said "f*ck this" and chose to not comment. I agree with 4:15 he has kept a low profile since rehab. He is staying out of the Hollywood gossip limelight to keep attention to his work. IMO. I think it's smart and the best thing for him to do in the circumstances. I say good for him. He's an actor maybe he wants people to talk about his work and not his sex life now.
ReplyDeleteShowing up at an airport with your girlfriend smiling while pointing to her stomach, IS making a comment lol. Geez people. They wanted us to know. I'm not at all surprised that we haven't seen a photo of her since the airport stunt. And we're not gonna. Know why? Because if they wanted us to, we would. Maybe we'll see one from TIFF if they're ready to confirm the obvious. Maybe they'll need to keep us guessing for whatever reason.
ReplyDeleteI agree. If Colin is trying to keep a low profile, he is not doing a very good job here! They knew there would be alot of attention when they arrived at the airport together. Why don't they just confirm to everybody what is going on? If they did, it wouldn't be intriguing anymore. I believe it is the curiosity of not knowing which holds everybody's interest, hence now everybody is talking about 'Ondine.' Do not fall for the spin everybody! especially when an unborn child has been involved.
ReplyDeleteThe witches on the Imdb board are f*ckin hilarious. It's like watching a bad reality show. I'm pretty sure they cross over here ...
ReplyDeleteABC is going to be there on Monday. It was announced in an article on Irish films showing at TIFF. They call her Colin's "co-star" ... I hope she is better in this one than she was in Trade.
ReplyDeleteWhat's Trade?
ReplyDeleteTrade is ABC movie about sex traffic and it sucks and she sucks. She needed to get knocked up by a movie star to be anything. Gross.
ReplyDeleteOk bioytch. Just put myself through 45 minutes of Trade. Shyte. ABC can't act herself out of a paper bag. Baby CF is her claim to fame and she knows it. She's not talented but not stupid either.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing which concerns me here is the example Alicja is setting to young women. Wasn't she supposed to be the Hanna Montana of Poland? A decent, good girl?This could all back fire on Neil, Alicja and Colin. i think alot of people will not watch 'Ondine' just out of principle. It's a shame Colin was just starting to get his life back on track. He may have fallen for Alicja, but I think getting her pregnant too soon is far too irrational.It takes at least a year to fully know somebody and we all know at the beginning we don't show our true selves. He can't help but push the self destruct button. Alicja may be clever for she now has Colins attention as well as the publics, but it is desperate.At the end of the day she has to live with herself and so does Colin. I can't help but loose my respect for both of them.
ReplyDeleteAny women can get pregnant but it takes a real woman to make an amazing mother.
ReplyDeletePoland's Hannah Montana explains everything. Last time I saw decent good girl Hannah she and her younger sister were hanging off stripper poles. Now Poland's decent good girl is knocked up with celebrity baby after a few weeks relationship. I am scared for young girls growing up in the world if this is the model for a good decent girl.
ReplyDeleteHey guys...
ReplyDeleteSuddenly a lot of envy has crept up the site... for a fan site. Slight distraction?
I remember Neil Jordan's The Crying Game, it was immaculate. For the time it was made and still is. It had poetry and darkness and a very clear message.
I think anybody loving film should see that movie.
Sorry Marta but I did not like The Crying Game.Plus I don't think envy has got anything to do with the previous fans comments.I think you have put their comments into the wrong context, but then it would be boring if we all thought the same way.
ReplyDeleteI don't see how anybody could envy Alicja right now.
ReplyDeleteThis is a short interview about Triage. No mention of ABC or the "possible pregnancy". The press conference for Ondine is Tuesday at 2:30 pm. EST. There will be a live stream here:
and it will be archived. I can't wait to see if she shows up. I don't see how at least one reporter won't ask about the "fairytale romance" that blossomed from the film. Isn't it a love story? Had never heard of it until all this started. Too bad if they decide to keep her out if she's pregnant. I'm sure she wanted to be part of the publicity promoting her work. Unexpected things happen, call me old fashioned or prudish..but getting pregnant within a few months with the co star isn't the way to get respect..it just gets you trashed in the media. This is all she'll be known for now.. as I for one had never heard of her until it was rumored she was pregnant. I wish them luck and a healthy baby if it's true. We'll see how it all plays out.
ReplyDeleteNo sign of her at the triage screening. Loving his look though!
Gemini where are You!!??
ReplyDeleteJust seen TIFF interview and can not wait to see Triage. Colin looks hot as always and comes across as down to earth, friendly and intelligent-he is still himself and hasn't changed. Thank god for that!(thought Alicja may have changed him)
ReplyDeleteHi guy's, sorry I've not been on top the TIFF news as much as I should have been, and many thanks for the links you've all been posting
ReplyDelete: - )
My friend came over to stay for a few days and we had we had so much catching up to do, and of course that meant we were out and about everywhere... day and night!
Good publicity tricks...but now these are old.
ReplyDeleteI have no reason to feel that it is not true love. The couple has shown good compatibility. And they have been in relation since months.