Sunday, September 13, 2009


Colin Farrell got into an angry confrontation with photographers at the premiere of his latest movie in Toronto today.

The actor took objection to requests from the press pen for his sister to leave the red carpet so that they had a clear shot of the star.

In a brief stand-off he went nose-to-nose with one photographer and remonstrated loudly before retaining his composure.

Farrell was in the Canadian city for the premiere of 'Triage', a film which investigates the psychological effects of war on a photo journalist in which he stars alongside Christopher Lee and Paz Vega in the movie.

He arrived at the Elgin Theatre amid boisterous shouting from the press pen.

Photographers implored the actor's entourage to 'get off the carpet', prompting the angry scene.

He approached London-based Joe Alvarez who was among those shouting at those accompanying the star.

Mr Alvarez said: 'With celebs you get a lot of hangers-on, PRs, everyone and their wives surrounding the stars and we are limited for space.

'I was just saying, 'please can everyone clear the carpet, move on'.

'He took it personal. He said, 'Do not shout at my sister like that, do not ever speak to my sister like that ever'.'

The confrontation quickly passed, with Farrell returning to his film promotion duties before taking his seat in the auditorium.

Speaking minutes after the incident, he said that studying photojournalists had not affected his views in regards to showbiz photographers.

He said: 'It is completely separate. I wouldn't ever compare, comparison is a dangerous business.'



  1. A bit of a over reaction on his part .He has been to enough of these occasions to know what happens and it is perfectly normal for photographers to ask or yell at both the star and who ever happens to be in the way of a good shot why did he make such a big deal of it? His he trying to get more attention from the media? Or perhaps he is feeling the strain of the last few weeks?

  2. wow I have spotted "blonde sister" few times before but I always thougt that she's some kind of PR person or publicist I had no idea that she's his oldest sister. Are we sure about that?

  3. over reaction for sure, but maybe photographer said something more than what he claims?! And C looks how to say it... more mature , hot of course but more and more like Brad Pitt.

  4. I personally think he is feeling the pressure from all the pregnancy speculation, and the fact Alicja was not with him, but his sister Claudine was, just sent the paps even more wild.

    I hate to say it, but he's not doing himself any favours, and it does appear as if he's trying to wind the media up on purpose!

  5. The blonde is his publicist Danica Smith. Claudine was the sister that was there. BTW..why does he take his sister out more than his pregnant(?) girlfriend? If I were the gf I'd feel a little left out! But...I guess we'll see on Tuesday.

  6. The blond woman is Danica,his publicist. His sister Claudine is the brunete wearing a black blouse and purple skirt(?) . The man may have said a bad word to Claudine that made Colin get so angry. He is very protective of her. But the fight also got him some much desired extra publicity, you know. Ferb

  7. I think it's great that he has such w good relationship with Claudine, but I don't get why he takes her everywhere, ok I get PR- it looks good in a paper, I get that it's normal and just why not but everywhere? It almost looks like she is living his life, if you know what I mean.

  8. I agree it looks little like that, but, what is she wearing? It looks like she didn't have a dress so she borrow shawl to look more elegant in that skirt and seriously horrible shoes.

  9. She's always had her own "style" in fashion. Maybe she didn't know until the last minute. She's still a lovely gal and a great sister.

  10. She looks like really nice person it's true but this outfit is not bad it's just like last minute decision. I'm wondering what is the media plan for A because they can say what they want but they probably have some plan and some time soon someone will ask about her and pregnancy- it's for sure and what? C will yell at them again?

  11. I like that he got agitated with the photographer and that he stuck up for his sister. I don't think that's a bad thing, if he thought the guy was being rude or disrespectful to her.

    What I do think is strange is how much his sister is actually with him. Granted, he gets invited to some awesome events due to his celebrity status, but I can't think of any celebrity that hangs out with a sibling that much, no matter how close they are. Not inferring there's anything sick about it, just think it's rather bizarre.

  12. Virgo, that is exactly what I mean It's nothing wrong in hanging out with your sister but seriously I'm wondering if she has her own life I know that C's life is in some point her and stuff but really her life like: no, sorry I'm busy take someone else to this party. I have a brother and I love him very much but we both do have ours separate lives. Plus it must be hard to be in relationship with man who has his sister with him all the time and (maybe) has pangs of concience when he leaves her at home.

  13. Yes..very bizarre.. especially when you have a girlfriend? I mean he took Claudine out on his birthday, to the wrap party, and now this? Why not just bring your gf? Pregnant or not. ABC has done herself more harm than good. Oh well.I can't wait until the Ondine stuff on Tuesday!! Someone will have to be brave enought to bring it up.. we'll see what happens!

  14. They probably need some plan for Tuesday ;P with or without Alice someone will be brave enought or stupid enought ( with obviously nervous Colin) to ask the question. If I were a reporter I would ask,you know there's no way that during press conference no one will ask about A even if she's not gonna be there.No way. Is there triage press conference?

  15. Here is an excerpt from a statement by another photographer who was there. IF this is true, CF was not out of line.

    iPhoto photographer Jorge Rios witnessed the dust-up and told the Sun several photogs loudly -- and impolitely -- asked Farrell's sister to "get off the carpet" to make way for her famous brother at the premiere of his new movie Triage.

    Few in the crowd knew they were yelling at Farrell's flesh and blood.

    Like a knight in shining armour, when the leading man heard one photographer shouting the loudest at his kin, he jumped to her aid in a chivalrous display that is sure to raise the sexy star's stock among adoring female fans.

    "Don't yell at her," Rios and other photographers heard Farrell tell the shooter. "That's my sister you're yelling at.

    "You shouldn't yell at any woman like that."

    Here is the link for the whole article:

  16. Sweet he defends his sis. He is looking very stressed. I thought so in the airport pictures. Poor Colin. I'll do the dirty deed and volunteer to personally show our boy how to slip into a condom. I'm unselfish like that.

  17. All man with pregnant girls/women/wifes are stressed I remember my husband... God he was like killer in rage.

  18. He's probably stressed not about that she's pregnanat ( even if he didn't like that at the biginning knowing C he's happy by now) but he's is worried about her and baby can't blame the guy, wow can you imagine what would happen if this reporter shout at pregnent A?

  19. Kind of surprised alot of you are assuming that this has something to do with Alicja. While anything is possible, he could legitimately just be pissed off that the pap was being a jerk to his sister. Might be just as it appears.

  20. Yeah.. I've seen him get onto photogs before. He's just a naturally protective guy when it comes to his family.

  21. I just find it strange Alicja wasn't there. Brendan Gleeson was there.. all these ppl there to support him and his GF wasn't there? I mean MIA was at the Grammys the day before she had her baby! Ah well.. we'll see on Tuesday I reckon. Word has it he confirmed the pregnancy, but there has been no direct quote as of yet.

  22. I think I'm inclined to agree with Virgo on this one... this particular incident was more to do with rudeness towards his sister rather than the pregnancy debate.

  23. PS.

    Although having said that... I do still think Colin is playing a bit of a cat and mouse game with the paps... which I don't really get?!

    So in other words, either Alicja turns up for 'Ondine' looking wonderfully happy, proud, and pregnant with an equally happy father to be... or, this whole thing has been a complete Hollywood wind up, and so therefore I for one will be more than little saddened and confused as to why Colin would even contemplate such a stupid game plan in the first place.

    Please no, surely he's not really been yearning for his place in the Hollywood A-List elite club right from the start?

    I'm back in favour and bankable again, and no longer have to play at being a play-boy... so therfore now I can be what I've always really claimed I don't want to be... I am a Hollywood Star!

  24. Well those Irish eyes aren't smiling. I don't think he's playing a game. I believe he's caught in a nasty trap. The stress he's under probably did contribute to his going off on the paps like he did. Should he have known better after one surprise pregnancy? Hell yes but I think some of you are being too hard on him. Give him credit at least for not abandoning his children like many men in the situation do. I hope he's ok. Although I believe he's upset and having no control and it is unfair. I suspect whatever warm fuzzy feelings he had for ABC have been taken over with annoyance and irritation even if he is kind enough to pretend to care for her for now. I don't expect to see a love fest when the two show up at Odine. Watch his eyes. Everything is there all the time.

  25. You have a point but they're both actors, so Colin and Alicja can use there acting skills to make people see whatever they want.Colin will be extremely protective over Alicja, she is carrying his unborn child after all and he has clearly shown the media not to mess with him! So I expect the media will be treading on egg shells on tuesday, when they see Alicja and Colin toghether. I think it is lovely how he has so much love and respect for his sister.

  26. Why you assume that he doesn't love that women, I don't know that of course but there's a chance that he does (give poor guy a chance to grow-up), and for a love of God, they can use their actors skills? I'm sure thay can but people! Please, we must be reasonable plus if it was only promotion and PR she would be with him all the time for past 2 days smiling kissing and all that stuff. I'm not so sure if she's gonna be there .... I have a feeling that she's in LA just... beeing pregnant

  27. I don't know but I can't see him beeing sad, he's pissed off that's for sure. When it comes to Alicia, remember all this photos when they really look like normal couple so maybe they're actually ok. Probably to fast and to much but alright. By the way I'm sure even if she's in Toronto she's not gonna be there for "Ondine" screening.... or maybe she will that's why C was so angry at photographers screeming at C and other women? Well I'm a little bit lost but... I think she'll stay in hotel room.

  28. Dear Anonymous 1:18. My grandfather was an actor and my grandmother always made the point, that in real life situations she never knew whether he was telling the truth or lying. He actually used his talent to manipulate situations to his advantage. Of course you can not relate this to all actors but it is a point. We all come from different backgrounds, had a wealth of different life experiences (good and bad) and achieved many different things. This is reflected in our opinons and how we learn from our mistakes. Everybodies opinion should be respected.I have a huge amount of admiration for Colin looking after his sister in this way.

  29. I think there is a little acting ability in all of us otherwise how would we deal with life?

    How many times have we all acted in a particular way in order to make something, or someone believe us, or indeed make the outcome more favourable for ourselves?

    The saying; 'A little white lie never hurt anyone'... comes to mind ; - )

    I guess that's why we call it Human Nature! LOL

  30. Well I agree with Gemini. I'm really curious about tomorrow, is she be there or not, well there is no sign of her so...


  32. wow he's really pissed off looks scarry:/

  33. They certainly need to be calm at "ondine" screening if he's coming with Alice, loves her or not she's carrying his baby and he'll be protective as hell.

  34. You can actually see his publicist attempting to hold him like she was afraid he'll hit him, and it looks like that if he could he would. Nervous guy, but good for him, good to have brother like that. I have only one question what Claudine is doing there is she still his Pa?

  35. A#7.18 AM

    What can I say thank you very much for the source : - )

  36. Well ABC did not show for the premier.


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